Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Look at My Fibromyalgia Button

Inspiration struck today. I looked at my cat sacked out on the floor and thought that it's OK for a cat to be flat out - we kind of expect it of them. Not the same for us peeps. When fibromyalgia knocks us flat and all we want to do is lie down and rest, we feel guilty or we allow others to make us feel guilty  (more about this another time ) when we really shouldn't feel any guilt at all. As I looked at my cat, I thought "fibro-me-ow-gia". Ha, ha. I love a good play on words. Kitties get to run around saying "me - ow" ( translation: I hurt ) all the time. Why can't we?

So I headed over to zazzle and designed a button that says it all. Only took me forever and now I'm seeing kind of cross-eyed, but I think it's cute and I'll be adding more items. The button is just a start. I love designing things, even though I am not so computer savvy. In fact, couldn't seem to find the right code to display the image as I would like, so here is the link. Go look and be prepared to say, "Awwww."

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