Saturday, April 24, 2010

Gentle Yoga for Fibromyalgia

Lie flat on floor with a blanket or mat under you if needed. Then stretch arms back as far as you can reach while you stretch feet as far as you can reach. Then stretch like that but alternating right arm, left leg, left arm, right leg. Then pull knees up to chest if you can and wrap arms around legs or clasp hands to hug legs to body and rock gently from side to side. If you can't stretch that far to wrap a hug around legs, then clasp hands under/behind knees. The more snugly you can get yourself in a ball the more rolling and massaging action you will get. This is a yoga pose called "Little Boat". Imagine you are rocking gently on waves. Relax and breathe. This is THE one best exercise to give spine, hips, whole back and across tight shoulders a gentle massage and evening out and you will feel your core stomach muscles engage as you allow yourself to rock as far to each side as you can before you either capsize ( ha, ha! ) or right yourself. The thing is, do not force it like a work out, breathe and roll with it like a gentle boat ride for fun. Do it as long as it feels good, then stretch out and relax a bit. Do not sit straight up from any floor exercise - you can undo all the nice stretching and relaxing you just accomplished - roll to your side and get up slowly using your arms to help you.

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