Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fogged In

This morning, the sky was overcast and the humidity was high. My ears were popping and I felt entirely disoriented and forgetful and scattered. I have already reversed half the letters in this sentence and misspelled most of the words. Thank goodness for spell check. I checked the weather forecast, and sure enough, a big green patch of precipitation is covering TN and headed my way. I just don't understand articles I read that claim the weather has no effect on people. I do not need to look at a barometer to know the pressure is dropping - my head and bones know.

I had a few productive, but physically painful days this week. I can ride pain out. What puts me at a stand still and makes me totally ineffectual and very dysfunctional is this damned fibro fog, which I swear is at least 80% weather related. So how can I change this? Any ideas? Anything work for you? 

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