Friday, April 9, 2010

Painless Living

Today I found a doctor on Twitter who makes me wish he was in my neck of the woods. His tweets  are short but full of good health info. His name is Dr.Cassaro. His website is If you are on twitter, read some of his tweets and see if any of them speak to you. I enjoyed reading the list of supplements on his site. As my income expands, I plan on adding some of the things he recommends. The first thing I will be adding is milk thistle extract to support my liver. A fibro friend of mine has recently posted in her own fibromyalgia group that her acupuncturist told her that this time of year is when the energy of the liver is at it's lowest. I know I don't eat quite as well in winter as in summer months and my liver is probably sluggish as a result of my winter diet.

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