Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Guaifenesin Treatment for Fibromyalgia

I first became aware of fibromyalgia about five years ago. True, I'd had symptoms for much longer than that and had been to various doctors, chiropractors, massage therapists, taken yoga classes and various natural supplements all in the attempt to heal myself, yet nothing had had any long lasting effect. In fact, over time my symptoms grew worse and new ones seemed to crop up almost daily. Yet no one told me I had fibromyalgia. I just didn't know and thought I was crazy. Deep down, I knew something was physically wrong in my body.

One day, while at the library, this book caught my eye:
Fibromyalgia Advocate: Getting the Support You Need to Cope With Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome by Devin J. Starlanyl and Hal Blatman. I took it home, read it and cried tears of relief. I finally knew what I had. Since then, I haveread many other books about fibromyalgia but this is the one book that I find to be the most complete and helpful for me. One aspect of treatment recommended in the book is the use of guaifenesin ( Mucinextm ) an over the counter drug used to break up mucous. I've included a link here to a fibromyalgia treatment center that uses this method so you can read more about it.  Guaifenesin Treatment Protocol

Everything in me resonates to this treatment method and believes it may be of benefit to me. Especially the information about the functioning of the kidneys - in my gut, I know there is a kidney and adrenal aspect to fibromyalgia that is a key component and I believe many of the drugs prescribed for fibro symptoms actually worsen the kidney function. I presented this information to my primary care doctor several years ago and asked her to prescribe this to me. Unfortunately, I discovered that insurance would not pay for it because it is an over the counter medication. Amazingly, they will continue to pay for all kinds of pain pills, muscle relaxants, antidepressants in endless amounts that treat symptoms rather than pay for a single substance that may actually reverse and cure a condition. Unfortunately, because I am not well enough to work sustainably, I do not have an income that allows me to try this protocol. I do intend to manifest the necessary money to make it possible. My goal is to begin this protocol when my son is done with the school year. According to the information at the link I have posted, a person can get seriously worse before they get better - which means it is working. If I will be feeling worse than I do now, I will need to have no outside commitments for a while, so I can tend to myself fully, as I do not have a significant other to care for house, kids, errands, chores, etc.

Have you tried this treatment? Are you on it now? Does it help? Did it cure you? Have you had to remain on it? Please share your story. 

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