Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Moving Ahead With Fibromyalgia

Welcome to my Disability Digest blog,

Today is my first post. If you found me, it is probably because you used the search term "fibromyalgia" which tells me you, or someone close to you suffers with this terrible syndrome. I had symptoms of fibro for almost 20 years before learning what I truly had. I can still recall how I cried with relief to learn I had something and that I wasn't a crazy crackpot. It has so many symptoms that affect all aspects of healthy function and all areas and systems of the body. My latest symptom, which is becoming increasingly annoying and permanent is loss of voice after speaking for just a short time. It is like my vocal cords are just not up to it! Very frustrating. I am a professional part time astrologer and I must be able to speak with clients and tape readings for 90 minutes or more at a time. Lately, I find myself running out of voice that no throat lozenge, tea sipping or throat clearing can fix after only 30 minutes.

My work as an astrologer is not a fully supportive income but I am unable to work sustainably due to fibromyalgia. It is frightening to consider losing even more. In light of these money worries, I have been seeking other means of income and multiple streams of income. Please, do not spam me with scams or post crap in comments here, but if you are able to earn something while being at home with minimal effort that harms none and even helps, then please share with me and others who visit here.

One thing that has truly been working for me and that I am grateful to have found because I can feel GOOD about it, is being an affiliate at:

http://www.DisabilityDigest.net. The guy who started it, Brian Therrien, is a real person you can really contact. He seems truly concerned about the challenges and needs of people with disabilities and the site is a great free resource for people to find all kinds of info and support. If fibromyalgia is your specific issue, here is a direct link to get right to the free fibromyalgia guide:


After you spend some time at the site you may choose to become an affiliate, as I have done. It is free. It is a win-win situation. You earn a small referral commission when you share your own affiliate URL with friends or visitors to your own blog who have fibromyalgia or other disability challenges and are looking for answers, support, info and help. Advertisers and agencies who advocate and represent people when filing for disability claims are the source of funds tha keep the site running and result in my - and your - earnings. Brian, himself, has easy how-to help on how to maximize your earning potential. While he admits it is not a get-rich-quick deal, he is totally honest when he says it can easily make some extra cash for you. This month, my phone bill is paid thanks to my free affiliate membership there. And I literally spent under an hour making that money. If you want to cut to the chase and sign up as an affiliate immediately, click below:

Webmasters Earn Money Here!

Thanks for the visit, please comment, share what's on your mind about you and how you move ahead with fibromyalgia.

Dunnea Rae

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