Saturday, March 27, 2010

Maybe I Have Hypothyroid?

I had a disappointing doctor visit on Friday. I had asked for my blood to be checked for any indication of trouble with my thyroid. I have been much more fatigued lately, increased depression, ridiculous and steady weight gain despite having a moderate and healthy diet, increased irritability and horrendous heavy menstrual bleeding despite being on hormone therapy. All these symptoms and more minor ones are common to both fibromyalgia and hypothyroid. In fact, some doctors think hypothyroid IS fibromyalgia. I do not, but I do think they can exacerbate each other's symptoms. 

So my blood work looks good. So how come I read in books on thyroid conditions that it is not uncommon for doctors to find good blood work, yet treat for hypothyroid based on symptoms alone. Maybe because I am a Medicaid patient, maybe because I do not look seriously overweight, maybe because my "doctor" is a young, fresh and vital woman who just doesn't get it, maybe because I didn't get demanding - who knows why but I didn't get taken seriously about my thyroid and I am being referred back to a patronizing gynecologist/obstetrician who I saw last year and he will most likely recommend the same D and C procedure he advised last year. So I will have it done just so I can say I followed the advice of the doctor but  really feel my thyroid is not doing it's proper job.

After reading many things about thyroid problems and the herb ashwaganda, I have decided to try it. My budget can barely stretch taking a supplement but my daughter treated me to it. I'm encouraged by the spare money I have been earning as a Disability Digest affiliate. I expect I will be able to increase the forms of alternative healing modalities to help myself as my income continues to increase.

I will let you know how I feel in a few weeks after I have taken the ashwaganda for a while. 

If you have had a similar thyroid concern or have used anything alternative to help your thyroid function, please share your story or advice. Thanks.

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